
We are committed to a model of open innovation in which we partner with all kinds of external organisations.

Industrias Alegre's I+D+I activities have as their mission to promote the innovative culture in the company and to develop innovation tools to contribute to improving competitiveness and its adaptation to the changing environment in which the industry is currently immersed.

Our objective is to be recognized as a company that is committed to open innovation and to become part of the innovation process of our customers by being a member of their I+D+I teams.

In-house innovation

We run an inclusive innovation model that brings in all levels of the organisation:

  • We are committed to research
  • We tell our staff so that they are aware of the strategy
  • We share with them the challenges we face so that they too can be part of the solution
  • We are committed to a culture of open innovation

Our innovation process

External innovation

We have extensive experience in collaborating on projects with organisations of all kinds. A constant commitment to technological development and taking new technologies to maturity.

Collaborative projects

Our areas of interest

Our mission is to continue exploring the latest technologies and applications that add value to our customers and their products. We are therefore open to new challenges to which we can continue contributing our capabilities and learning.

Let's start creating something new

If you are a company, start-up, research center or you are already part of Alegre as an employee or supplier, contact us.


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