Industrias Alegre receives the TISAX certification for cybersecurity
This certification guarantees Alegre’s ability to securely handle any digital information it exchanges. This demanding standard, which assesses the company’s whole ecosystem, is recognised by leading automobile manufacturers and confirms that Alegre is a trustworthy company in this regard.

Last summer, Industrias Alegre’s whole digital ecosystem, its IT equipment and its working protocol were audited with excellent results. At the end of the year, after going through the relevant technical committee, the company officially received the TISAX certification, a seal delivered by the VDA (the German Association of the Automotive Industry) which is now the most recognised cybersecurity guarantee in the automotive industry.
This certification shows that the information handled at I Alegre (by the client, internally or shared with other actors), is properly protected and that the company can be trusted with confidential information.
In today’s increasingly digitalised and complex automotive world, cybersecurity has become a key issue. Innovation requires the participation of multiple companies, which involves lots of information exchanging, but these exchanges must be secure - we are dealing with confidential data relating to prototypes and investment plans, documents about autonomous cars and client documents. A data leak would just be unthinkable.
The TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment eXchange) certification is assessed every year, but the certification remains valid for three years.